24 September 2014

Fall TV Preview: Wednesdays

I continually puzzle over the whys and hows of TV scheduling. Wednesday seems like a night ripe for drama, but almost nothing currently scheduled appeals to me. Meanwhile, Tuesdays and Thursdays are stuffed. Why is counter-programming so difficult for networks?

Soon After Airing (thanks, internet)

  • NEW: Black-ish (9/24), 9:30 PM on ABC

    There's been a lot of press about the diversity in this season's pilots, and Black-ish is one of my favorite examples. While there's a lot to be said for shows that don't make a big deal about race/ethnicity, there's a lot of depth that could be mined from facing the questions head-on. Plus, Laurence Fishburne.
Bookmarking for Future Downtime

  • Arrow (10/08), 8 PM on The CW
    As I mentioned before, I watched maybe two episodes of this, and then got more invested in other shows. Friends continue to rave about it, though, so it's on my radar.

  • Nashville (9/24), 10 PM on ABC
    I really like the idea of this show in theory, most particularly that it shows women in conflict for valid, career-oriented, and Bechdel-test-passing reasons. And I adore Connie Britton. I just...other stuff has been more interesting to me. But I will pick this show up eventually.
And that's it. THAT IS IT. Wednesdays, I guess, will be for catching up on my Tuesday shows.

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