24 May 2015

Long Weekend, Lost Weekend

Three-day weekends are exercises in indulgence. I can't number how many people, as I went from market to market to salon yesterday, asked me, "Any big plans for the weekend?" I told someone the other day that, now that I'm no longer in my twenties, I don't feel compelled to have something exciting to say--I can just say I'm going to spend all weekend in my pajamas, watching Netflix, and feel content. And, sometimes I do that. Except that was not really my plan. I mean, the pajamas thing is totally true. But with a long weekend and a stack of library books that would soon no longer be renewable to me, I knew that I was just going to spend Saturday on farmers' market and the salon and World of Warcraft.

Today happened pretty much like I expected: my days-off alarm went off at 7:45 AM and I shut it off and woke up at close to 11. I sort of wandered around of the apartment randomly, checking the weather, brushing my teeth. Setting coffee to brew. Stripping the bed of its sheets, because I have to do laundry sometime, but didn't manage it today. I put some chicken that had been marinating into the oven. I read the last forty pages of a romance novel on my Nook, and then the last fifty pages of a library book. I read an email, thought about deleting it, and then marked it as unread again. Made a peanut butter and honey sandwich. I picked up another library book and sat down, and read it straight-through. I mixed up a batch of cookies. I ate the salmon I baked last night. I mixed up some salad dressing. I read a graphic novel, and then chatted a bit with Jen.

I mixed up a salad. Rearranged the fridge's contents and scrubbed a bit of the kitchen floor. I roasted some asparagus and fried two eggs and watched an episode of Jane the Virgin. I am going to log on to World of Warcraft for a bit, just so I can get my fishing and cooking quests done, but that's it, because I also want to start reading another book. I will bake the cookie dough I've got in the fridge. I will probably rearrange my fridge again, and possibly brew some tea.

I actually did a lot today, but it's all stuff that doesn't really seem to count as "doing stuff," when I say that out loud, to people. I'm not unsatisfied, though. I'm just a person who is content with puttering around.

Tomorrow, who knows?

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