12 March 2016

Could You Repeat That? CL

You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine, Alexandra Kleeman
Loving someone was no guarantee of how they would treat you. All it did was raise the stakes.

What is the What, Dave Eggers
Julian, I do not want to think of myself as important enough that God would choose me for extraordinary punishment, but then again, the circumference of calamity that surrounds me is impossible to ignore.

The Story of My Teeth, Valeria Luiselli
...I've always thought that hell is the people you could one day become.

The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen
Bang bang was the sound of memory's pistol firing into our heads, for we could not forget love, we could not forget war, we could not forget lovers, we could not forget enemies, we could not forget home, and we could not forget Saigon.

Furiously Happy, Jenny Lawson
Then Victor pointed out that it's a "murder of crows" and that a group of swans is called a "lamentation" but I'm pretty sure that just proves my point because swans are mute, yet they're named after a word that means "wailing in horrible pain"?

City of Blades, Robert Jackson Bennett
"You are young and clever and brash. But I have seen so, so much more of life than you have, child. I have been so close to the Divine before, I could smell it. And I smell it again, right now."

The Book of Aron, Jim Shepard
"My mother thinks that what keeps me going is a well of spitefulness." She thumped her chest. "I think she's right. I can feel it right here."

Gold Fame Citrus, Claire Vaye Watkins
He found he was no longer afraid of losing Luz, or of loving Ig--he was content to have those two throbbing slabs of his heart outside his body, walking around. If only he could find them.

Avenue of Mysteries, John Irving
Juan Diego couldn't say their names, not even in the dark.

Bats of the Republic, Zachary Thomas Dodson
But I suppose that which is most important in the world cannot be organized or classified. Meaning multiples and confounds.

Oreo, Fran Ross
She was ready for any kind of shit, prepared to go where she was not wanted, to butt in where she had no business, to test her meddle all over the map. Oreo was one pushy chick.

The Whites, Harry Brandt
Loss and loss and loss, each one unasked for, each one, come the end of the story, concluding with his hands gripping a scythe.

The Turner House, Angela Flournoy
Humans haunt more houses than ghosts do.

Our Souls at Night, Kent Haruf
Don't you have any faith? she said.
In you, I do. I can have faith in you.

The New World, Eli Horowitz and Chris Adrian
Does this thing have a radio? she tried to ask of the air, because she wanted to make herself laugh, as the great glass doors opened after all and she drove out into the flat Florida glare. But she only said, to the full absence of him, "Jim, I'm coming," and made herself cry harder instead.

The Tsar of Love and Techno, Anthony Marra
For art to be the chisel that breaks the marble inside us, the artist must first become the hammer.

The Sellout, Paul Beatty
That's the problem with history, we like to think it's a book--that we can turn the page and move the fuck on. But history isn't the paper it's printed on. It's memory, and memory is time, emotions, and song. History is the things that stay with you.


And even though they've never fully appreciated Basquiat, Kathleen Battle, and Patrick Ewing--and still haven't discovered Killer of Sheep, Lee Morgan, talcum powder, Fran Ross, or Johnny Otis--these days mainstream America's nose is all up in our business, and I knew eventually I was fucking going to jail.

The Invaders, Karolina Waclawiak
He was still slim, tanned. Almost slight. He liked it better when I looked vulnerable. I let the words roll around in my head.

The Fever, Megan Abbott
Bad things happen and then they're over, but where do they go? Deenie wondered, watching Gabby. Are they ours forever, leeching under our skin?

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